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Discount Schedule 2019

MOISTURE:                     Corn sold on contract or placed on price-later will be dried and shrunk
to 15% moisture. Drying charge is 5¢ per point of moisture removed.
SHRINK:                           Corn will be shrunk 1.4 % per point of moisture removed.
TEST WEIGHT:              1¢ each pound below 54 to 52                                     GENERAL                                                                       3¢ each pound below 52                                *    All grain positions must
                                                                                  be declared at time of
DAMAGE:                         2¢ each point 5.1 to 10.0                                       delivery.       
                                             3¢ each point above 10.0                               *     Notify P.G. of applicable
                                                                                  splits at delivery.
TOTAL BROKEN            2¢ each point 3.1 to 5.0                                  *     All direct shipments will
CORN AND FOREIGN 3¢ each point 5.1 to 7.0                                         use destination weights
MATERIAL:                     5¢ each point above 7.0                                        and discounts and be
                                                                                                                               paid when terminal
FACTORS:                        Sour................................................ 10¢                  settles with P.G., LLC
Musty............................................. 10¢            
                                             Infested (Bugs)............................... 10¢         
P.G. will average corn grade factors for all loads on a specific basis with the following exceptions:
a) Moisture will be treated on an individual load basis for shrink calculation.
b) Sour, musty, infested will be treated on an individual load basis.

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